
More indoctrination in schools...

"Barak Hussein Obama said we should lend a hand to make this country great again...he said we must be fair today...equal work means equal pay"...Uh, ya this is messed up!

Here is some background on it:

Burlington, NJ – In a school district not too far away, children are being led in prayer and song to praise our glorious leader Barack Obama in a homegrown medley sung to the music of “Jesus Loves the Children”, repeatedly chanting praises to our President in a religiously cultish eerie manner. In the song the children chant ”Barack Hussein Obama He says equal work is equal pay”

Equal work for equal pay was a common theme for the 1940’s ”The Daily Worker”, which was the official newspaper of the Communist Party of Great Britain and has resonated since in socialist and communist political circles worldwide, now a Presidential slogan used frequently by President Obama.

What is more unnerving is the manner of indoctrination these children are being subjected to by school teachers using repetitive instruction to burn the image of Obama as a supreme being beyond the role of just being President of the United States in a fashion similar to those used by Stalinist Russian children and Hitler Youth of the 1940’s.

The school is the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, N.J. just 40 minutes southwest of Jackson. What do you think of children being taught to idolize and glorify President Obama? Would you approve of this song in Jackson’s Schools?
