
This weird fascination with Palin

In light of the Gifford tragic shooting, it would seem the left is going out of their way to demonize Palin as much as they can. Even though reports show the shooter's ideology not in line with tea party movement, or conservatism in general, the morons on the left are doing their best to associate Palin with things.

Here is an example...
Did Sarah Palin's Target Map Play Role in Giffords Shooting?

Questions about Sarah Palin’s ‘target’ map dominate Facebook

Maps with targets? Here is a write up regarding the Democrats use of such imagery...


These images are from Malkin's site. The first one is the one libs are yammering about with Palin.

This is am image from 2004 DNC targeting strategy.

The imagery looks the same to me. Lefties are hypocritical idiots.