
Demand A Plan

Funny video showing more hypocritical from vapid Hollywood stars...

Demand A Plan - Demand Celebrities Go F*CK Themselves!


Where is my free stuff?!?!

It figures. Detroit. I city that has been driven into the ground being run by Democrats for 51 years...

Detroit councilwoman to Obama: We voted for you, now bail us out



Public Outrage Turns Against Businesses Struggling to Cope with High Obamacare Costs

By Jillian Kay Melchior
November 12, 2012 4:06 P.M.

It didn’t take long to kill the messenger.

After the election, the private sector has begun its struggle to cope with hefty health-care fees written into the Obama health law. For many businesses, the fines tip the cost-benefit balance against full-time employees. And employers — for their own sake, and for the sake of their remaining employees — have to cut back on employment, hours, or both. These painful cutbacks are the only way to ensure the long-term health of their businesses; it’s simple, if regrettable, math.

That doesn’t stop the economically (and grammatically) ignorant from calling for boycotts.:

     [The CEO of Papa John’s is] also a greedy jerk who, to get around paying for Obama’s Affordable Care Act, plans on cutting all his employee’s hours to below the mandated threshold so he doesn’t have to pay for it — because it would cost him too much money.

    … And, unfortunately, Papa John’s is not alone. Applebee’s, Olive Garden, and Red Lobster have all jumped on this bus. Threatening to freeze full hirings and/or reduce employees to skirt the ACA regulations.

    Now, bear in mind, that Papa John’s, Applebee’s, Olive Garden, and Red Lobster are not small businesses.  Each of these companies make millions in profits each year and its workforce is amongst the lowest paid and hardest working in the country. And they care so little about the health and welfare of their employees that they would rather cut their already few low-paying hours than make sure that they are taken care of.

    Now, this is America and they have the right to do with their businesses what they want, no matter how scummy it is.

    But these businesses need to bear in mind that they are not the only pizza joints, seafood places, and Iitalian [sic] restaurants in the country. … It’s time for the people of America to stand up against these corporate misers who think that their workforce is nothing.

    I for one will not be eating at any of these places from this moment forward.  And I would ask the same of you also until they state that they will not reduce thier [sic] workforce and hours.

    This is America and as Americans it’s time that we start standing up for our fellow countrymen and begin to teach BIG BUSINESS that they are nothing without us.

Granted, indignation is warranted: As one Twitter follower noted to me late last week, it’s truly disgusting that businesses have had to make these employment cuts. But the Obama administration has put the private sector in an untenable position. It’s a rare policy indeed that makes scapegoats out of victims.



Stating the obvious

Interesting analysis on how liberal college professors are. With the exception of the hard sciences and core subjects, the worst thing that you can do is make people waste time taking these courses. I walked away from taking classes with liberal professors are that they dislike America, dislike our culture, and blame America for every negative in the world. In addition, these liberal professors have no concept of the real world. They did not teach me anything. Conservative radio did.

Moving Further to the Left



Amatuer DNC bootlicker Chris Matthews using the race card again

Obama fluffer (A fluffer is a person employed to keep an adult film star aroused on the set. These duties, which do not necessarily involve touching the actors, are considered part of the makeup department. After setting up the desired angle, the director asks the actors to hold position and calls for the fluffer to "fluff" the actors for the shot. Fluffing could also entail sexual acts such as fellatio or non-penetrative sex.) Chris Matthews is at it again. Since things do not look good for his Messiah he uses the tired liberal race card.

Chris Matthews: 'Racial hatred' drives support for Romney on right



Pelosi: Bush Left Us an Economy in ‘The Depths of Hell'

Since it's getting close to Halloween I might as well post something about that senile old hag Nancy Pelosi. She blames Bush about his spending, but this stupid insipid piece of shyte was speaker of the house in 2007 and 2008.

During this time frame she was "comptroller" of the unit of government responsible for:

To borrow money on the credit of the United States.
To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states and with Indian tribes.
To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.
To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the Unites States.

In addition, if she was so concerned about what Bush did, it was her constitutional duty to investigate the executive branch, and have impeachment powers. This vapid hag has no idea what she is talking about.

Pelosi: Bush Left Us an Economy in ‘The Depths of Hell'


Obama In 1998: "I Actually Believe In Redistribution"

Wow! I never knew this before!

Newspaper Ad Revenues Collapse to 1950 Levels

Not surprising when you have a media that is complicit and in lockstep in supporting the Obama administration and the DNC. More people now see the MSM for what it is, and chose not to consume their product and message.

Newspaper Ad Revenues Collapse to 1950 Levels


Great article from the UK

We should tune in to the Romney and Ryan show

The myth of a democratic socialist society funded by capitalism is finished

Whatever the outcome of the American presidential election, one thing is certain: the fighting of it will be the most significant political event of the decade. Last week’s Republican national convention sharpened what had been until then only a vague, inchoate theme: this campaign is going to consist of the debate that all Western democratic countries should be engaging in, but which only the United States has the nerve to undertake. The question that will demand an answer lies at the heart of the economic crisis from which the West seems unable to recover. It is so profoundly threatening to the governing consensus of Britain and Europe as to be virtually unutterable here, so we shall have to rely on the robustness of the US political class to make the running.

What is being challenged is nothing less than the most basic premise of the politics of the centre ground: that you can have free market economics and a democratic socialist welfare system at the same time. The magic formula in which the wealth produced by the market economy is redistributed by the state – from those who produce it to those whom the government believes deserve it – has gone bust. The crash of 2008 exposed a devastating truth that went much deeper than the discovery of a generation of delinquent bankers, or a transitory property bubble. It has become apparent to anyone with a grip on economic reality that free markets simply cannot produce enough wealth to support the sort of universal entitlement programmes which the populations of democratic countries have been led to expect. The fantasy may be sustained for a while by the relentless production of phoney money to fund benefits and job-creation projects, until the economy is turned into a meaningless internal recycling mechanism in the style of the old Soviet Union.

Or else democratically elected governments can be replaced by puppet austerity regimes which are free to ignore the protests of the populace when they are deprived of their promised entitlements. You can, in other words, decide to debauch the currency which underwrites the market economy, or you can dispense with democracy. Both of these possible solutions are currently being tried in the European Union, whose leaders are reduced to talking sinister gibberish in order to evade the obvious conclusion: the myth of a democratic socialist society funded by capitalism is finished. This is the defining political problem of the early 21st century.

Mitt Romney had been hinting, in an oblique, undeveloped way, at this line of argument as he moved tentatively toward finding a real message. Then he took the startling step of appointing Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate, and the earth moved. If Romney was the embodiment of the spirit of a free market, Ryan was its prophet. His speech at the convention was so dangerous to the Obama Democrats, with their aspirations toward European-style democratic socialism, that they unleashed their “fact checkers” to find mistakes (“lies”) in it. (Remember the old Yes Minister joke: “You can always accuse them of errors of detail, sir. There are always some errors of detail”.) When Romney and Ryan offer their arguments to the American people, they are, of course, at an advantage over almost any British or European politician. Contrary to what many know-nothing British observers seem to think, the message coming out of Tampa was not Tea Party extremism. It was just a reassertion of the basic values of American political culture: self-determination, individual aspiration and genuine community, as opposed to belief in the state as the fount of all social virtue. Romney caught this rather nicely in his acceptance speech, with the comment that the US was built on the idea of “a system that is dedicated to creating tomorrow’s prosperity rather than trying to redistribute today’s.” Or as Marco Rubio put it in his speech, Obama is “trying ideas that people came to America to get away from”.

So it would be deeply misleading to imply that this campaign will be a contest between what Britain likes to call “progressive” politics and some atavistic longing for a return to frontier America where everybody made a success of his own life with no help from anybody but his kith and kin. In the midst of the impassioned and often nasty debate about the future of health care, in which Ryan was depicted as a granny-killer, there has been some serious Republican thinking about the universal provision of medical care for pensioners (or “seniors” as they are called in the US). Because, you see, the debate over there has gone way beyond welfare reform: the need to restrict benefit dependency among the underclass is an argument that has been won. What is at issue now is much more politically contentious: universal entitlements such as comprehensive Medicare and social security are known to be unaffordable in their present form. Ryan, the radical economic thinker, suggests a solution for Medicare in the form of a voucher system. Patients could choose from competing health providers, with a ceiling on the cost of procedures and treatments, instead of simply being given blanket no-choice care. Thus, the government would get better value for money, and individuals would have more say in their own treatment. Now why doesn’t anybody here think of applying that mechanism to the NHS? Oh, yes, some people have – but nobody in power will listen to them.

So how effective will all this turn out to be? Can Romney and Ryan reawaken the self-belief in American independence and real community solidarity? Quite possibly, but the odds are always in favour of the incumbent in US presidential elections. There is, however, a wild card in this game. I suspect that in 2008 a great many voters of good conscience would have felt the moral force of voting for the first black president, in order to exorcise the nation’s hideous racial history. But having proved that America is no longer a land of bigots, they will not feel it necessary to make that point again. Now they will be able to judge Mr Obama as they would any other political leader, and the US will truly have arrived at post-racial politics.

But in the course of this campaign, however it concludes, we are all going to get an education in what it might be possible to say if economic reality was actually confronted. Mr Ryan wound up his acceptance speech for the vice-presidential nomination with the chorus, “Our nation needs this debate. We want this debate. We will win this debate.” Some of us would like to have that debate here. We even think we might have a chance of winning it.


Testament to Obama's legacy

Food-Stamp Use Climbs to Record, Reviving Campaign Issue

Interesting story on the "fact checkers"

The Dem pundits seem to love to reference their fact checkers when covering points brought up by their opposition. Here is an interesting story on the bias of those fact checkers.

The Media's 'Fact Check' Smokescreen

PolitiFact bias: Does the GOP tell nine times more lies than left? Really?

Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: Here‘s a Break Down of the Claims Bashing Paul Ryan’s Speech



The 15 Richest Members Of Congress

I like how 9/15 are Democrats, and California is represented. This is a case of socialism is for the people, and not the socialist. Their do as I say, and not as I do mentality makes them think that they are omitted from being that disliked 1%...when they are the 1%. I have faith in the 6 others to fix things.

The 15 Richest Members Of Congress


I love how these washed up hippies think communism is going to work. I guess they are too dumb to study Russian history, or deny the abysmal state of Cuba. Pretty telling video of the Occupy movement and organized labor mentality. Thankfully, this is not what ALL unions espouse to.

Former union boss at Occupy event: Our goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’


Disgusting liberal mentality on bottom feeding MSNBC

This interview is disgusting. MSNBC, and its "contributors" are a joke. It's nice to see how the liberal pseudo intellectuals really feel about things, seeing how their Messiah might be voted out.

MSNBC’s Touré: Romney Engaging In The ‘Niggerization’ Of Obama

A great example of liberal media bias

This shooting at the Family Research Council office in Washington, DC is a perfect example of selective media coverage. In this case, we have a radical left-wing LGBT supporter walk into a conservative organization with the intent of shooting someone with a gun.

This story details the media's lack of coverage of the event. Their selective reporting stems from the shooter supporting the LGBT community, and the victim is a conservative organization. Plain and simple.  Because the violent event does not fit the narrative the media likes to project, that every rampaging nut with a gun is a conservative, they choose to report on this story at the bare minimum, or not at all. The media is following its disgusting track record of bias as usual. There were initial calls regarding the Tuscon, ARI and Aurora, CO tragedies that is was the work of a conservative or the tea party. The media went to great lengths in covering those events.

In this situtation, we have "one of their own" committing disgusting acts of violence, and they act accordingly. They do not want to go against the narrative and agenda they are trying to push. In turn, people know this and are not paying attention to what they say.

Only ABC Offers Full Story on Shooting at FRC; CBS, NBC Blow It Off With Tiny Reports


Liberals gone wild...


Whistle-blower, documents: Ill. state workers forced to attend Pelosi, Jesse Jackson Jr. event on taxpayer dime

Documents and a whistle-blower affidavit obtained by The Daily Caller charge that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Illinois Democratic Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., and Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr., participated in an unethical — and possibly illegal — effort to force 76 employees of an Illinois state agency to engage in political activity on the taxpayers’ dime.

According to the whistle-blower, Rev. Jackson also encouraged the government employees to load first-generation and low-income college students up with student loan debt — because Democrats in Congress, he allegedly promised, would eventually pass laws to forgive that debt later. “[T]hose people will continue to vote Democratic,” Jackson Sr. said, according to the whistle-blower.

On March 3, Pelosi flew to Chicago to endorse Rep. Jackson Jr., 17 days ahead of a heated March 20 Democratic primary he later won. Pelosi was scheduled to make the endorsement at a press conference later in the day, after she participated in an hour-long “forum” hosted by the elder Jackson at the headquarters of his progressive Rainbow PUSH Coalition.

Pelosi politicized that forum, jumping the gun and endorsing Jackson Jr. earlier than planned.

“One of the reasons I am here, and I will do this following this wonderful meeting, is to publicly state my endorsement of Jesse Jackson Jr. for re-election,” Pelosi said at the Rainbow PUSH forum. “I do so with great pride. I remember when he came to the Congress with a great name and a great tradition of his parents. But he came and he made his own mark in the Congress from his own generation.”

Adam Andrzejewski, chairman of the For The Good of Illinois PAC and a former 2010 GOP gubernatorial candidate endorsed by Polish Solidarity movement founder Lech Walesa, told TheDC that a state government agency forcing workers to go the event was likely illegal. Even if it failed to violate any specific law, he said, the activity was undoubtedly unethical.

“Democrats in Illinois raised taxes by 67 percent and at the same time they are using taxpayer dollars and resources for blatantly political purposes,” Andrzejewski wrote in an email. “This is unethical, possibly illegal, and taxpayers, families, and seniors have a right to be outraged.”

Marcy Bailey, a 22-year-old who worked for the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) Corps on March 3, swore out an affidavit on August 9 describing what happened that day.

In the signed and notarized affidavit obtained by TheDC, Bailey said she “did not want to attend this event,” and charged that the Rainbow PUSH forum “was soon overflowing with negative political energy directed towards the Republican Party. The two [Pelosi and Jackson Sr.] discussed many adverse things about the Republican Party, using harsh, derogatory remarks, while they reminded their audience about what they called the wonderful things that the Democratic Party was doing for the people.”

“Although e-mails from an ISAC supervisor would lead one to believe that my attendance was optional, during phone calls from Sara Henschen, my regional coordinator, and from Kim Galvan, ISACorps manager, I was told that I ‘must attend,’” Bailey wrote in her affidavit. “Repeatedly, my supervisors told me that ‘without a prior conflicting commitment, your attendance is mandatory.’ I stated that I did not feel comfortable going, but my supervisors told me that I did have to go.”

Bailey explained how Galvan told her to report her travel hours to and from Chicago — “approximately five hours and 500 round trip miles” from her residence — on her time sheets so she would be paid for the time. The agency also reimbursed her and her fellow ISACorps employees for hotel rooms and meals. She also stated that her coworker, who drove to Chicago and back, “would have been reimbursed for mileage.”

She and her coworkers were told to arrive at Rainbow PUSH headquarters, according to her affidavit, by 9:30 a.m. that day even though the Pelosi event didn’t start until 10:00 a.m.

“When I arrived at the meeting location, our ISAC directors instructed us to go to the second floor and congregate in a side hallway outside of zwhere Jesse Jackson Sr. was speaking to a group of individuals, including candidates and other political figures that were being addressed as ‘judge’ and ‘senator,’” Bailey wrote. “With cameras flashing, Jesse Jackson Sr., candidates and politicians left the conference room, and we were staged to look like we were political supporters. In other words, we were used as props during a campaign season.”

The ISACorps workers then moved into the forum where Pelosi and Jackson Sr. were set to speak. Bailey wrote that the event began as a non-political gathering — a forum for Pelosi to see the ISACorps workers — but later became “largely a political rally, and there was no opportunity for those of us who were not there to participate in a political rally to leave without it being noticeable.”

“As the program continued, Nancy Pelosi endorsed Jesse Jackson Jr. for Congress,” Bailey continued. “No one from our state agency left the room or objected to our participation at a blatantly partisan political event, including my supervisor. I was fearful that any objection or other false move on my part would place my job in jeopardy. We were being videotaped and any disagreement would have left a record. I felt considerably isolated and intimidated by this. I felt sick to my stomach.”

In a phone interview with TheDC, ISAC spokesman John Samuels denied that the event was political. “You’re full of shit,” he said.

Samuels also objected to TheDC referring to House Minority Leader Pelosi as “House minority leader,” saying, “It really pains you to call her ‘Speaker Pelosi’ doesn’t it?

“Rep. Jackson apparently had a second event where Speaker Pelosi endorsed him,” Samuels added, ”Because I wasn’t present and no one from ISAC was present, nor were we asked to nor would we attend because it is a partisan event. That was covered by dozens of Chicago reporters, any one of whom would say ISAC was not there.”

After the Rainbow PUSH forum, however, Bailey and her coworkers were moved into a back room for a private meeting with Jackson Sr. and Rainbow PUSH organizer Rev. Janet Wilson, where Bailey said they received “job coaching.”

“Jesse Jackson Sr. said to work hard to help as many students as possible acquire student loans. Jackson Sr. encouraged us to network students, hold rallies and organize for ‘student loan forgiveness legislation,’” she wrote in her affidavit.

“Jesse Jackson Sr. also told us not to worry about loading students up with too much college debt, because Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats will eventually forgive all student loan debt. On the promise of debt forgiveness, ‘those people will continue to vote Democratic.’”

Bailey added that Jackson Sr. “asked how many ISACorps workers would be able to come to future events because our massive support looked great both in-person and on television.”

“Several workers raised their hand in response,” Bailey wrote.

The “job coaching” meeting with Jackson Sr., she said, “horrified” her.

“I thought our mission was to try to help students navigate the complexities of college choices,” she wrote, “and to help them to make good choices (including financial choices) so that they can lead better, more productive lives. Instead, Jesse Jackson Sr. seems to want to push less well-off college aspirants into more debt. And he does this not to improve their lives, but so that he has more political pawns to gain political power, since, as he explained it, people with debt will have to vote for Democrats if they want to get out of their student loans.”

Samuels did not deny that meeting with Jackson Sr. took place, saying he “was present” for it.

“He [Jesse Jackson Sr.] said that he believes that what we’re doing is important work,” Samuels said, “that education is one of the most important issues facing the country right now and he offered to have his picture taken with the group. Period.”

When asked if any “job coaching” occurred in that back room, as Bailey alleges, Samuels replied, “No. None whatsoever.”

When presented with Bailey’s allegation that Jackson Sr. advocated ISACorps workers increase first-generation college students’ debts because Democrats would eventually forgive their loans in exchange for Democratic Party votes, Samuels said, “That’s not true.”

Samuels did, however, add that the Rev. Jackson Sr. “expressed concern over the levels of student debt. But that’s — anybody can do that.” And he conceded that the Rainbow Push leader ”expressed the interest that Operation PUSH people are pushing for debt forgiveness.”

Samuels also acknowledged another detail in Bailey’s account, repeating her recollection that Jackson Sr. asked the room, “Who here today has their own student loan debt?” Like Bailey, Samuels recalled many people raising their hands.

In addition to Bailey’s affidavit, an email chain the For The Good of Illinois PAC obtained from ISACorps indicates that on March 6, ISAC College Access Initiatives Managing Director Jacqueline Moreno tried to orchestrate a meeting with Rev. Janette Wilson of Rainbow PUSH. She planned to create at that meeting a “more structured relationship that feeds into a national framework.”

Moreno wanted to see Rainbow PUSH and ISACorps “work together in a more formal way.”

As additional confirmation of what happened in that room, Bailey cited a defensive email that ISAC Education Services Director of Post Secondary Education Services Aimee Melgar sent to the agency’s staff on Wednesday, March 14.

“Reverend Wilson from PUSH talked about rallying groups together on college campuses to address student loan forgiveness, etc,” Melgar wrote. “As a state agency, we cannot be involved in lobbying, signing petitions, having Facebook conversations on work Facebook accounts, or taking any stance around student loan debt on work time or on work accounts.”

“To clarify my point further, ISAC cannot be involved in helping PUSH with their student loan forgiveness efforts,” Melgar added.

Andrzejewski told TheDC that that March 14 email “first confirms the story of our whistle-blower and then repeats a problem probably far too common in the history of Illinois: a public denial with no teeth.”

“Two weeks later, ISACorps sent two members with Rainbow PUSH on a national tour of colleges,” he said.

On her way home from that Rainbow PUSH event in Chicago, Bailey said she “wrestled with what had just occurred.”

“How many others in that audience were like me, and effectively coerced into participating in what was really a political event?” she wrote. “Did the public know that this is what their money was paying for? … I personally felt used and just couldn’t continue to work at ISAC.”

Samuels did eventually confirm that the workers’ hotel and travel expenses were paid for with federal taxpayer money from a grant the agency receives annually.

“There were … a little bit less than $3,500 of reimbursements that I’ve seen, and I’ve seen the entire employee package,” Samuels said.

“Those were legitimate expenses that were paid for out of the federal [College Access Challenge] grant. … [M]ost of [the workers] were already attending other events in town. So, again, it’s not an incremental expense.”

Illinois law prohibits the use of “public funds” to “be used to urge any elector to vote for or against any candidate or proposition, or be appropriated for political or campaign purposes to any candidate or political organization.” ISAC may not have broken that law, though, as state law defines “public funds” as having been “appropriated by the Illinois General Assembly or by any political subdivision of the state of Illinois.” ISAC used federal taxpayer dollars for the March 3 event.

Using federal dollars, however, may violate the federal Hatch Act, which the U.S. Office of Special Counsel says requires that state and municipal workers “may not use official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election or nomination for office” when their “duties [are] in connection with an activity financed in whole or in part by federal funds.”

Samuels said he was unsure whether Jackson Jr., Jackson Sr., Pelosi, or their staffs were aware that the government workers were required to atend.

“I’m not sure if they [the Rainbow PUSH Coaliton] were aware,” Samuels said. “I know that when you send an Outlook in a calendar invite there’s a category called ‘required’ and anybody’s name who you put into that field comes out as required. But it was a required event. [ISA]Corps members have required events.”

Asked if Pelosi or Rep. Jackson Jr. were aware that state employees were required to attend, Samuels responded, “I have no idea.”

Representatives for Jackson Jr., Jackson Sr. and Pelosi have not responded to TheDC’s requests for comment.



OWS IS the radical enforcement arm of the Liberal Democrats

Pretty much states the obvious, OWS was an extension of liberal policy. So the movement that they support is one of theft, rape, murder, etc. I am just glad the movement was pathetic and turned out to be a joke.

UPDATED: Obama White House told GSA to 'stand-down' on Occupy protesters

The results of Obamacare

We really need to kick him out of the white house and roll back some of these costly aspects of Obamacare.

Papa John’s Founder To Raise Price Of Pizza Due To ‘Obamacare’


Interesting story from Dick Morris

While nothing is written in stone, I certainly hope this information is valid. I tend not to trust polls, because the sampling is biased. For example, a poll of 100 people might include 80% Democrats and the rest Republicans and independents. With those results, you make Obama's numbers look good. Since it's common knowledge that the MSM has a hard on for Obama...it's safe to assume they are full of crap.

The Real Poll Numbers

By Dick Morris on August 6, 2012
The media is trying to create a sense of momentum and of inevitability about the Obama candidacy. One benighted Newsweek reporter even speculated about a possible Democratic landslide.

On Friday, I saw the real numbers. These state-by-state polls, taken by an organization I trust (after forty years of polling) show the real story. The tally is based on more than 600 likely voter interviews in each swing state within the past eight days.

The trend line is distinctly pro-Romney. Of the thirteen states studied, he improved or Obama slipped in nine states while the reverse happened in only four. To read the media, one would think that Romney had a terrible month. In fact, the exact reverse is true.

Romney is currently leading in every state McCain carried plus: Indiana, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, and Colorado. If he carries these states, he’ll have 228 electoral votes of the 270 he needs to win

To win the election, Romney would then have to carry Florida where he trails by two points, and either Virginia (behind by two) or Ohio where he’s down by only one

If he carries all three of these states and also wins all the others where Obama is now at 50% or less – Iowa, New Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey — he will get 351 electoral votes, a landslide about equal to Obama’s 363 vote tally in 2008.

The strong probability is that Romney does, in fact, carry Florida, Ohio, and Virginia and a share of the other states where Obama is below 50% of the vote.

So don’t believe the garbage being put out by the media. The attempt to portray Romney as not catching on and as dropping in the polls is ludicrous. It is, at best, the product of incompetent polling and, at worst, the result of deliberate media bias. But Romney is winning and expanding his lead each week. That’s the real story.



Fundamental reason why liberalism and big government leads to failure

Big Government's Best Friends: Nontaxpayer

Taxes: The proportion of those paying no income taxes continues to hit higher highs — a trend that will ultimately make lowering taxes and reducing government impossible.

For decades, "fairness" has been liberal Democrats' outcry against demands for lower taxes. The rich, President Obama endlessly contends, don't pay "their fair share."

It's about as far from the truth as you can get. As the Congressional Budget Office showed in a new report on the distribution of household income and federal taxes, the rich are getting hit by the taxman harder than ever.

As CNBC reporter Robert Frank put it, the top 1% that Obama complains about "paid an average effective tax rate of 28.9% on their income — far more than any other group, and more than twice the average effective rate of the middle class, who paid 11% on average."

Beyond that, however, is the fact that more Americans who are nowhere near to being rich are paying no taxes at all on the money they take in — which means they have no interest in getting our ever-expanding government leviathan under control.

A new study from the Tax Foundation found the number of those filing tax returns who pay no income taxes now numbers over 58 million, amounting to a staggering 41% of all tax returns. Compare that with 1990, when only about 21% of tax returns were found to have no tax liability.

What's more, the median income of these nonpayers has increased by 40% in just nine years. "The threshold at which a typical married couple with two children will likely be a nonpayer is now $47,000," the Tax Foundation found.

The primary reason? Big government's tentacles, in the form of cash payments via the soaring expansion of refundable tax credits. "In 1990, the combined value of these credits was roughly $20 billion after adjusting for inflation," the study notes. By 2000, it was $46.5 billion.

"A decade later," however, "the combined budgetary cost of both the basic and refundable tax credits reached a remarkable $224 billion in 2010."

As the foundation's Scott Hodge cautions, "These credits not only have a major budgetary cost — both in terms of the lost revenue and the outlay cost for the refundable portion — they undermine the financial stability of the government by narrowing the tax base, and disconnect people from the basic cost of government."

A tax-cut-oriented simplification of the IRS code — so urgently needed today — will soon be politically impossible because of so many millions off the income-tax rolls, an increasing number of them middle-class.

People who aren't paying taxes, yet who are enjoying government dependency in various areas of their lives, aren't going to give the time of day to politicians who seek to cut taxes.



Another example of MSNBC quality reporting

Andrea Mitchell is a pathetic partisan liberal pushing the Romney outsourcing narrative. She literally gets verbally smacked down.

Interview here

The funny this is, this idiot reporter has been caught with a previous display of amateurish partisan sniping in this interview. This page has the MSNBC edited version and the actual version of the Romney speech.

Both videos are here

It just goes to show that MSNBC cannot even pretend to be slick in hiding their amateurish reporting and the fact that they hire incompetent morons who masquerade as "new casters."


Media whore Michael Moore on the Colorado tragedy...

Because the world is hanging on what that hypocritical douche has to say. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2012/07/20/michael-moore-violent-nation

Bay Area Drivers Could Be Tracked By GPS, Taxed Per Mile Driven

Since San Francisco cannot obtain as much tax revenue from gasoline sales because you wanted to protect the environment and get a more fuel efficient car, they come up with another scheme to tax you. Imagine if you had a low paying job and your commute was really long because you could not afford to live in the city? City workers already cannot afford to live in the city they service.

Yet another example of liberals finding every way to tax the hell out of you no matter what you do. California, while beautiful, is run by complete idiots.



George Soros gives $ to OWS and DNC

Anyone who claims OWS and the DNC funding is from "grass roots" is completely full of it...

Liberals Steer Outside Money to Grass-Roots Organizing

After months on the sidelines, major liberal donors including the financier George Soros are preparing to inject up to $100 million into independent groups to aid Democrats’ chances this fall. But instead of going head to head with the conservative “super PACs” and outside groups that have flooded the presidential and Congressional campaigns with negative advertising, the donors are focusing on grass-roots organizing, voter registration and Democratic turnout.

The financier George Soros is expected to contribute $1 million each to a rights group and a research “super PAC.”

The departure from the conservatives’ approach, which helped Republicans wrest control of the House in 2010, partly reflects liberal donors’ objections to the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which paved the way for super PACs and unbridled campaign spending.

But in interviews, donors and strategists involved in the effort said they also did not believe they could match advertising spending by leading conservative groups like American Crossroads and Americans for Prosperity, and instead wanted to exploit what they see as the Democrats’ advantage in grass-roots organizing.

“Super PACs are critically important,” said Rob Stein, the founder of the Democracy Alliance, a group of liberal donors who will convene near Miami this week to discuss where to steer their money this year. But the liberal groups, he said, believe that local efforts and outreach through social media “can have an enormous impact in battleground states in 2012.”

In a move likely to draw in other major donors, Mr. Soros will contribute $1 million each to America Votes, a group that coordinates political activity for left-leaning environmental, abortion rights and civil rights groups, and American Bridge 21st Century, a super PAC that focuses on election-oriented research. The donations will be Mr. Soros’s first major contributions of the 2012 election cycle.

“George Soros believes the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United opened the floodgates to special interests’ paying for political ads,” said Michael Vachon, a spokesman for Mr. Soros. “There is no way those concerned with the public interest can compete with them. Soros has always focused his political giving on grass-roots organizing and holding conservatives accountable for the flawed policies they promote. His support of these groups is consistent with those views.”

On Monday, in an indication that he does not expect significant advertising spending from Democratic-leaning outside groups at this stage, President Obama unveiled a $25 million ad campaign against Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee.

A super PAC founded by two former Obama aides, Priorities USA Action, has struggled to raise money against better-financed conservative groups like American Crossroads, which expects to spend $300 million on the presidential, House and Senate elections.

Those difficulties stem in part from Mr. Obama’s past opposition to spending by outside groups, which has dampened donor enthusiasm despite his about-face this year. But it also reflects how major liberal donors and independent groups have focused since 2004 on creating a permanent infrastructure of liberal research and voter-outreach groups. That year, liberal groups spent more than $200 million on advertising and grass-roots activity in a failed bid to deprive President George W. Bush of a second term.

Conservative independent groups, including super PACs that can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money on election ads, dominated the advertising wars in 2010, helping Republicans make major gains in Congress, and their money has had a similar impact so far in this cycle.

“The idea that we’re going to engage in an arms race on advertising with the Republicans is not appealing to many liberal donors,” said David Brock, the founder of American Bridge 21st Century.

The advertising-oriented Democratic super PACs, including Priorities USA and two groups founded to back Democrats in Congress, remain on the list of organizations that the Democracy Alliance recommends to its members. Robert McKay, who is the chairman of the Democracy Alliance and sits on the board of Priorities USA, said the $100 million expected to be spent this year by alliance members would include some money for election ads, but would most likely favor grass-roots organizing and research groups.

“There is a bias towards funding infrastructure as it relates to the elections,” Mr. McKay said. “That means get-out-the-vote efforts” directed toward young voters, single women, black voters and Latinos, he said.

Organizations likely to be a part of the effort include Catalist, which creates voter lists for allied liberal groups; ProgressNow, a network of state-based Web sites for liberal opinion and activism; and the Latino Engagement Fund, a new group that works to register and turn out Latino voters for Democrats. Conservative independent groups are financing similar outreach to Latino voters: the American Action Network, which spent $26 million against Democratic candidates in 2010, last year unveiled the Hispanic Leadership Network, which will seek to mobilize center-right Latino voters.

Liberals outside the Democracy Alliance are also likely to make significant contributions, as are labor unions, which plan to spend up to $400 million on state, local and federal races, and advocacy groups like the Sierra Club.

Some groups will pay for both advertising and organizing. PAC+, a super PAC founded by the San Francisco philanthropist Steve Phillips, a member of the Democracy Alliance, expects to spend about $10 million on Latino voters in six states, with a heavy emphasis on Arizona, which the Obama campaign is seeking to turn into a battleground. Half of PAC+ spending will go to enrollment and half to advertising.

“You can dump 10 or 20 million in TV ads in Ohio and try to reach the persuadable swing voters there, or you can up voter turnout among Latinos in Colorado and Arizona and win that way,” Mr. Phillips said. “It’s much cheaper.”



May 1 OWS Summary

Occupiers Self-Identify as Socialists, Revolutionaries

5 arrested for allegedly trying to blow up Ohio bridge

Democrat Endorsed #Occupiers Open May Day Festivities With Mass Rioting and Vandalism in San Francisco (Video)

Threatening Notes, White Powder Sent to NYC Banks on Eve of May Day Protest

Gore to college grads: ‘Occupy Democracy’ bring ‘American Spring’ (video)

Occupy graffiti vandalizing a historic NY church

Protesters Trash Valencia Street Businesses In Early May Day Demonstration

‘Occupy’ returns to New York City [VIDEO]

Occupy Wall Street Has Gathered In Union Square, And The Demonstration Looks HUGE

Occupy New Haven -- thoughts on leaving the Green

This is a laugh riot!


Occupy Wall Street: Back, But Does Anyone Care?

So true!
Occupy Wall Street: Back, But Does Anyone Care?

Posted By: Jeff Cox | CNBC.com Senior Writer
| 30 Apr 2012 | 02:13 PM ET
After spending 2011 near the top of the news headlines, Occupy Wall Street finds itself in a struggle to regain relevance as a grassroots protest against corporate greed and Washington corruption.
The movement hopes to regain some of its mojo Tuesday, when it stages a nationwide May Day protest and celebration that will focus on a broad agenda of causes it hopes to push.
But with neither presidential candidate paying much attention to the OWS faction and the bloody protests in Europe seemingly quelled for the time being, this is a pivotal moment for the Occupy movement either to regain its footing, or risk being dismissed as a non-factor in the national dialogue.

"They lost relevance a little bit. A lot of people felt like it wasn't going anywhere," says filmmaker Emil Chiaberi, who wrote, produced and directed "Murder by Proxy: How America Went Postal," a documentary that explores the motivations — and extremes — of protest movements that predated Occupy Wall Street or its conservative twin, the tea party.
"This whole idea of let's just protest the corporate greed — yeah, but what are you trying to accomplish?" Chiaberi adds. "How are you going to affect change?"

Primarily, the group hopes to get noticed again simply by getting busy.

Though Occupiers have held small demonstrations this Spring around the New York Stock Exchange, Tuesday's May Day effort marks the year's first coordinated nationwide event.
In New York, events include a kickoff at 8 am in Bryant Park of a "Pop-Up Occupation," followed by a Free University in Madison Square Park at 10 am. At 2 pm, Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello leads a march from Bryant Park to Union Square.

Later in the day, there will be a Solidarity Rally in Union Square at 4, followed at 5:30 pm by another march "into the heart of corporate corruption on Wall Street," according to the maydayncy.org Web site.

Similar events last year drew heavy media coverage but not always huge crowds. Weekend gatherings tended to be more raucous and well-attended, while weekday protests, such as the Upper East Side march in front of several Wall Street kingpins' homes, attracted noisy but relatively small crowds.

Occupiers often complained about how the mainstream media covered their protests, focusing more on arrests and uproar than the actual message being conveyed.

A group of alternative media outlets has bonded this year to make sure the OWS message is heard without distortion.

"We were worried that corporate media tends to focus on arrests, on police action, on violence, because it makes really great TV," says Jo Ellen Green Kaiser, a spokeswoman for "Media for the 99 Percent," a group that has coined a popular OWS motto to demonstrate the type of coverage it plans. OWS claims it represents the 99 percent of Americans not in the ruling class.

"We will be tracking arrests, but our interest is really in understanding why these protests are happening now and what they're trying to accomplish," she says. "When you have hundreds of people, maybe thousands of people, who are volunteering their own time to be a part of a protest movement, who are willing to camp outside, who are willing to attend mind-numbing General Assemblies, for hours on end — we want to understand why people are doing that."
The media group entails indie outlets like Yes! Magazine and AlterNet, as well as more recognizable names like The Nation and Mother Jones.

Kaiser said the outlets are undeterred by the notion that adopting the "99 Percent" moniker might betray a bias of their own.

"The difference isn't that we're taking a side, the difference is we can offer more perceptive coverage because we are more interested in the context," she said. "The one place where we are very sympathetic with Occupy is, honestly, we feel that we're fighting a battle against corporate media."
OWS also will face some other constraints with which it is well familiar — the New York Stock Exchange is planning stepped-up security, while the city police department also is prepared to make sure the protesters don't get out of hand.

More than that, though, the movement confronts the challenge of making sure its message doesn't get lost. While the OWS message that Wall Street has damaged the national economy through reckless greed certainly garners sympathy, OWS often is faulted for offering little alternative.
"No one even thinks about asking the question as to why every country in the world protects its banking system," banking analyst Dick Bove of Rochdale Securities said. "The answer, of course, is because the banking system holds the key to the health of middle to small business and the people they employ."

May Day, then, provides both an opportunity and a challenge for OWS to show it still matters.
"Even if the movement itself is losing relevance, what's relevant are the feelings, emotions and concepts that brought those people together in the first place," says Chiaberi, the filmmaker. "If Occupy Wall Street dissipates or loses relevance, something else inevitably will appear in its stead. I hope it will morph into something more organized."

URL: http://www.cnbc.com/id/47233587/


MSNBC at it again

Stupidity masquerading as journalism.

The picture that she is talking about is here:

OWS and its liberal democrat assocation

For any idiot who claims that OWS is not aligned with any political party, the association of moveon.org with OWS shows that OWS is lying.

How Occupy Co-Opted MoveOn.org
The 99% Spring campaign trains gray-haired progressives to ditch their internet petitions and take to the streets.


Funny poke at liberal hypocracy

RNC Goes For Jugular In New ‘Obama’s War On Women’ Ad

National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush

I have no idea why people complain about "Obama is a Muslim!"...which I think is horse shit...when you just need economic metrics to show what a debacle Obama is.

(CBS News) The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama's three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency.

The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office.

The latest posting from the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department shows the National Debt now stands at $15.566 trillion. It was $10.626 trillion on President Bush's last day in office, which coincided with President Obama's first day.

The National Debt also now exceeds 100% of the nation's Gross Domestic Product, the total value of goods and services.

Mr. Obama has been quick to blame his predecessor for the soaring Debt, saying Mr. Bush paid for two wars and a Medicare prescription drug program with borrowed funds.

The federal budget sent to Congress last month by Mr. Obama, projects the National Debt will continue to rise as far as the eye can see. The budget shows the Debt hitting $16.3 trillion in 2012, $17.5 trillion in 2013 and $25.9 trillion in 2022.

Federal budget records show the National Debt once topped 121% of GDP at the end of World War II. The Debt that year, 1946, was, by today's standards, a mere $270 billion dollars.

Mr. Obama doesn't mention the National Debt much, though he does want to be seen trying to reduce the annual budget deficit, though it's topped a trillion dollars for four years now.

As part of his "Win the Future" program, Mr. Obama called for "taking responsibility for our deficits, by cutting wasteful, excessive spending wherever we find it."

His latest budget projects a $1.3 trillion deficit this year declining to $901 billion in 2012, and then annual deficits in the range of $500 billion to $700 billion in the 10 years to come.

If Mr. Obama wins re-election, and his budget projections prove accurate, the National Debt will top $20 trillion in 2016, the final year of his second term. That would mean the Debt increased by 87 percent, or $9.34 trillion, during his two terms.



Hope & Change koolaid must have gotten Sour!

Man Pleads Guilty to Threatening Arpaio

PHOENIX - A man described as a President Barack Obama fanatic pleads guilty to threatening to kill Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Adam Eugene Cox appeared in a Tennessee courtroom on Wednesday.

He was arrested last year for a death threat that began on the Internet.

Cox threatened to kill the sheriff and his family.

Cox will not go to jail. He was sentenced to supervised probation.



‘God’-awful OWS mob steals sacred item from church


Posted: 1:23 AM, January 22, 2012

There’s no longer room at the inn at a Manhattan church that’s sheltering Occupy Wall Streeters after a holy vessel disappeared from the altar last week.

When the Rev. Bob Brashear prepared for Sunday services at West Park Presbyterian Church on West 86th Street, he noticed parts of the bronze baptismal font were gone.

In a fire-and-brimstone message to occupiers later that day, he thundered, “It was like pissing on the 99 percent.”

In Brooklyn, at another church housing OWS protesters, an occupier urinated on a cross, according to Rabbi Chaim Gruber, who has angrily abandoned the OWS movement.

In a letter last week to OWS obtained by The Post, the rabbi fumed, “The Park Slope church housing occupiers was desecrated when an occupier peed inside the building and the pee came into contact with a cross.”

The pastor of the church did not return calls.

At West Park, Rev. Brashear walked into the church for a morning service to find the 18-inch-diameter bronze basin and lid missing from the baptismal font’s 800-pound base. Holy water — straight from the River Jordan — had been poured from the missing basin insert into the base’s bowl.

About 60 occupiers had rolled out their sleeping bags between the pews the night before as part of their evening ritual, Rev. Brashear recalled. When they returned to the church later, following the pastor’s discovery, he issued a stern warning: “You have 24 hours to find it and to come up with an amends and to come up with a plan. ‘I’m sorry and it won’t happen again’ won’t work,” he scolded.

The artifact vanished just three weeks after a $2,400 Apple MacBook vanished from Brashear’s office. He told the occupiers that even when the 100-year-old Upper West Side church extended help to addicts during the 1980s drug scourge, no visitors touched its $12,500 sacramental instrument.

“Not even crackheads messed with that,” he said.

The pastor and a worshipper finally found the missing basin tossed into a small room connected to the church. The lid is still missing. The pastor has given protesters two weeks to vacate the church.




Columbia offers ‘Occupy 101’


Last Updated: 8:45 AM, January 1, 2012

Posted: 12:43 AM, January 1, 2012

Does getting pepper-sprayed count as extra credit?

Columbia University is offering a new course on Occupy Wall Street next semester — sending upperclassmen and grad students into the field for full course credit.

The class is taught by Dr. Hannah Appel, who boasts about her nights camped out in Zuccotti Park.

As many as 30 students will be expected to get involved in ongoing OWS projects outside the classroom, the syllabus says.

The class will be in the anthropology department and called “Occupy the Field: Global Finance, Inequality, Social Movement.” It will be divided between seminars at the Morningside Heights campus and fieldwork.

On her blog, Appel defends OWS, arguing that “it is important to push back against the rhetoric of ‘disorganization’ or ‘a movement without a message’ coming from left, right and center.”

Addressing the safety risks of fieldwork among protesters, she writes on the syllabus, “I can say with absolute certainty that there is no foreseeable risk in teaching this as a field-base class.”

She said her allegiance won’t keep her from being an objective teacher.

“Inevitably, my experience will color the way I teach, but I feel equipped to teach objectively,” Appel told The Post. “It’s best to be critical of the things we hold most sacred.”
