
Virgin post, don't expect anything special

I guess that the biggest thing to make me start this is the Supreme Court ruling about private property. I really see the rights of normal Americans being eroded into nothing, the constitution is just something being whittled away. From liberals to conservatives, it’s all the same really. The Republican Party is supposed to stand for limited government, but things like the Patriot Act contradict that. Liberals are trying to change this country into some silly little Lenin/Trotsky socialist land. The scream and scream but offer no real solutions. Their work can be seen in the public education system. It seems that students cannot do the basic “3r’s” to save their lives, but they will do a fantastic job at telling you how they feel.

On that note, how can we compete with the rest of the world? I am impressed with the value other countries and other cultures place on education. Sometimes it really seems true that the generalization of “fat, lazy Americans” is true. I hope people still give a rat’s ass out there. I just don’t get things sometimes. Then again, I might be getting my information from 24 hour news channels. Fox is right! CNN is left! They both suffer from little content. It seems CNN is just turning into a 24 hour Entertainment Tonight. There is already E!, I hope CNN does better. The reputation they built during Gulf War I is def gone now.

Our information is crap, American’s seem more interested in getting more stuff or be me, me, me…I really wonder where my place is in everything. I read poli/sci and religious books, watch the history channel too much…I think I have a greater understanding of things. That’s why I feel more informed than some other people. I studied media stuff in school and had the opportunity to have a father who moved around a lot because he was in the military. I lived in Israel for 3 years, and I really feel that I have a deeper understanding of things over there compared to the average joe. There is so much going on there, both wonderful and tragic. There is just so much conflict. It seems with all that is going on, I really fall back upon what is happening in my country the most. Namely it seems that the Constitution is on its way into the past tense of history. The way the government seems to be going, I am not sure what to think.