

Brought to you by glorious leader, our true “conservative” president is looking out for the American people and doing a fine job at upholding the constitution that he swore to! Unfortunately, it passed by 2 votes—mainly because of the actions of grass roots organizations did a great job of letting representatives know more detail on what they were voting for. In turn, glorious leader, our true “conservative” president pulled all of his back scratching beltway antics in full steam.

CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada

That story is an op-ed piece that explains why it’s screwed up. I am not a fan of the CFR. In addition, the below transcript from Lou Dobbs on CNN gives further detail. I really looked for a video file, but could not find one.
CAFTA's big secret
The actual CNN transcript is here
In summary, this quote really explains the overall CAFTA crap…

SYLVESTER: Supporters of CAFTA say it will open up Central American markets to U.S. companies and lead to lower prices for consumers. But critics are urging lawmakers to look at the fine print, because they may be giving away far more than they're getting.

I wonder what this means for the constitution and the American people. Does our government serve us anymore? Or are we its servants now?