
Moveon.org, I used to like you but...

Follow the basic notion that liberalism is a disease, moveon.org’s case has gotten so sickening it’s at the point of being utterly delusional and bat shit crazy. The best way to describe my relationship with moveon.org is like a girlfriend you have. At first she is cool, but after awhile the preliminary niceties are over and one night she is convinced you are cheating on her and gives you a ration of hell for going out with the boys...but she thinks you are going to the other woman's house. For the record I am married, and have never cheated on anyone.

My turning point with moveon.org was with the ad they posted. “It's General Petraeus or General Betray Us?” This link touts their proud message https://pol.moveon.org/petraeus.html.

Now Bush had a speech the other day...or another episode of lies, BS, and horse s**t. Regardless of what Iraq lies he is touting, he did condemn moveon.org because of what they said about General Petraeus and no democrat has said anything about it. At the core, that is just wrong. General Petraeus is amazing. Bush is not! But General Petraeus is the sh*t. Now the official stance from moveon.org is this:

Eli Pariser, executive director of MoveOn.org, reacted quickly to Bush's comments.

"What's disgusting is that the president has more interest in political attacks than developing an exit strategy to get our troops out of Iraq and end this awful war," Pariser said. "The president has no credibility on Iraq: He lied repeatedly to the American people to get us into the war. Most Americans oppose the war and want us to get out."

Slam Bush. Fine. I would expect a liberal response to be that vehement and foul...from an official. Libs are great at 2 things. Crying and yelling. I am saying that because all they do is character assassinate and whine from emotion before logic or fact. Don't get me wrong, what they said about Bush is right on, but what pisses me off is their official response is still evident of disdain towards General Petraeus. Which their official statement follows the logical fallacy of missing the point, which is quite sad when coming from an organization that tries to make itself look important.

So you have the moveon.org printing an ad equating a career military general as a traitor. The president says moveon.org sucks, and their official response bashes the president, but fails to apologize for their slander against of General Petraeus. I'd like to show the background behind the two.

Eli Pariser

General Petraeus

Eli Pariser is the person picked out of the lot to represent moveon.org. This is the best of their best. It's Eli Pariser's job stick to their convictions. Their lack of acknowledgment about slamming General Petraeus shows their weakness. A military General who served with distinction (under Clinton the administration even! OMG!) being trashed talked by such a useless organization is a joke.

It's tough, around 2004 I bought a movie called “Uncovered - The Whole Truth About the Iraq War”. It was a great documentary! Ex CIA and government official interviews, it was amazing. I loved it. Their background info was really good. The interviews had people who were qualified and knew their sh*t.

Now in 2007 you have this organization prints this ad to evoke a reaction based on emotion by slandering and incredible man. They strike right at the military. An organization they only wish they had 1/10 of the integrity and honor that is associated with them. Moveon.org has only showed that they are a bunch of leftist liberal bastards who don't give a crap about making any sense when it comes to their arguments. For that, they fail. As an alternative, I watched a documentary called “Rush to War” that was very good. There was no moveon.org association with it.

In the scheme of things we still have a bunch of democrats offering "change" in 2008, but they cannot condemn the fringe aspects that their own party. Meaning that they cannot squelch their leftist aspects. They do a wonderful job and slamming the military. Just read quotes slamming them from Dick Durbin, Pelosi, John Murtha, etc. by searching the web for details. Where I will call them useless liberal cry babies, I'll still respect them for their general stance. But when they slam the military, that crosses the line. Slam the commander in chief, do not slam those who's job it is to follow orders. It's the act of a cowardice what the libs do.