
Plebs, take your health care reform as the government presents it!

How dare those plebs question the grand wisdom of congress and the president! Please report these "fishy" people to the white house at once!

I cannot believe the NERVE of these common folks getting in the way of our vaunted congress and president and protest health care reform. According to our glorious liberal leaders this rabble is simply people "who may be funded by industry interest groups." Do not take them seriously! Our leadership knows what is best for us, because we are too stupid to think for ourselves.

It is DISGUSTING to see how these people act. According to Nancy Pelosi these common rabble folks are carrying swastikas.

All of this protesting is manufactured rage brought to you by the the insurance companies who are putting plants into these town hall meetings. You'd think the Republicans are committing manufactured outrage by busing people into these town hall meetings, hiring rent-a-mobs, and doing community organizing! This is just AstroTurf. This is not any sort of grass roots effort in any way, shape, or form! The liberals have NEVER resorted to rent-a-mobs to push their agenda. Never would ACORN, Service Employees International Union, National Council of La Raza, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), AFLCIO, Code Pink, or those hooded sweat shirt bandanna wearing "pranksters" throwing molotov cocktails and burning the American flag resort to ANY of those methods!

Barbara Boxer says this is ALL planned, so it IS TRUE!

Liberal organizations have NEVER sent rent-a-mobs anywhere to push their agendas, attended town hall meetings out of their district, or worked to get people outraged on a pressing issues.

Liberals would NEVER do such things, and the demonization of these people at these town hall meetings in necessary because liberal politicians so it is so! The position of a Senator, Congressmen, or President is something to be revered and not questioned!

Also, how dare you distribute a picture of Obama as the joker! You are to respect the president. Liberals would never have portrayed Bush in such light, or protested Bush policy with such venomous nastiness!

I order to squelch these rabble rousers, the white house has officially reacted!

The White House is asking for our help. There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since the White House can't keep track of all of them, they are asking for our help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems a gross distortion or inaccurate, please take a moment and send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.

In the above video, Linda Douglass, the Communications Director for the White House’s Health Reform Office, addresses one example that makes it look like the President intends to "eliminate" private coverage, when the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. http://www.mydd.com/story/2009/8/4/163850/9912

There you have your official notification from the most powerful office in this country to encourage snitching on those "un-American" people who dissent and spread misinformation about the Obama health care policy. Even though many of the liberal politicians didn't care to actually read the proposed legislation, they do not need to be questioned and know what is good for the people in general.

In addition, liberal groups would never resort to such hateful tactics! They never did anything like you see at those town hall meetings during the Bush years...NEVER!

The plebs at the these town hall meetings need to sit down and shut up! They need to stop this un-American dissent and take their health care reform as the government presents it!

Town Hall Protester Responds To "Mob" Smears By DNC