
Obama unleashes the drones!

Disturbing news has been in the limelight about the Obama administrations justification for its use of drone strikes against American citizens as a way to curb terrorism.

This story covers a DOJ document that...

EXCLUSIVE: Justice Department memo reveals legal case for drone strikes on Americans

It states that "an “informed, high-level” official of the U.S. government" can make the determination on who gets killed in a drone strike. Who exactly is an informed, high-level official?

The absurdity of all of this stems from this being an Obama policy, given to us by the Democrats. These are the same Democrats who were screaming bloody murder about Ashcroft, Bush, and Cheney with their warrant less wiretap searches. There were protests and people were calling for the impeachment of Bush because his policies violated civil rights.

'Judge, jury and executioner': Legal experts fear implications of White House drone memo

Where are all of those people who were protesting Bush about the Iraq war and Patriot Act abuses? Their silence simply proves that since "their guy" is the President, they are just FINE with it. It further examples what hypocrites liberal Democrats are.

The below story details how drone strikes killed a 16 year old American citizen because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but obviously the informed, high-level official did not care. This abuse of civil rights and state sponsored murder by Obama is so ironic because people game this man the Nobel Peace Prize.

American drone deaths highlight controversy