
Remembering 9/11

9/11 National Day of Service...this is what our liberal Government has turned the most tragic day in my lifetime into.

Their fancy website explains what it is: http://www.911dayofservice.org/

On the site they claim their claim is to ultimately honor the victims of 9/11. Is it? Or this Government mandated day an attempt to sugar coat and skew history. I don't acknowledge this ridiculous fluff being associated with this tragedy. The context of 9/11 should ALWAYS be focused on the victims, their families, and catching those responsible for doing it.

I don't need crap like a National Day of Service to convince me to volunteer my time and money to causes I care about. I think what this Government did is disgusting. I do not like this politicizing of awful, tragic events.

I want to shout out to the "new media", those people who side step traditional media and "mainstream media" outlets who put together such wonderful works as above. I realize the internet has a lot of crap that needs to be sifted through, but even a simple youtube search will reveal wonderful multimedia pieces dedicated to the victims of 9/11. The second video I came across a few years after 9/11. I take time to watch it every year.

National Day of Service? What the hell is that? This is the same thing that comes from the liberals in government that is crying foul about the "abusive" treatment of terror suspects and whom seek appeasement with people who hate us. While I do need to omit Obama's recent policy to uphold some of the existing mandates of the previous administration, such as closing gitmo. To a certain extent, pandering to the extreme anti-war left apparently is not such a good thing. I do appreciate a few centrist things he attempts to do. For example, Obama's involvement with Matt Flavin as director of the new White House Office of Veterans and Wounded Warrior Policy is top notch.

The extreme left politicians in congress and the senate are another thing. Their feverish approach to find and prosecute things such as, "female interrogators tried to break Muslim detainees at the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay by sexual touching, wearing miniskirts and thong underwear and in one case smearing a Saudi man’s face with fake menstrual blood, according to an insider’s written account," precedes showing the struggle our military goes though on a daily basis, or any of the positive things they actually do. Reading the Army Times is vastly different to reading liberal blogs or some mainstream news sites. (Quote from http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6876549/) These liberals are virtually blame America first for all of the ills in the world, and we are the great oppressors. While historically it IS important to know the skeletons in the closet of hour history, these liberals see nothing good.

I was infuriated when that POS Rep. Jack Murtha's quick accusation that marines in Iraq has "killed innocent civilians in cold blood.” While it might have been a knee-jerk reaction, soldiers serving in a war zone do not need to hear a politician who is an ex-Marine himself say such incendiary remarks. The investigation of those allegations proved no cover up, but the damage to moral done by Murtha was already done.

There is a VAST difference between Democrats of the past versus liberals of today. Anti-military is inherently more noble and morally superior to pro-military to them (http://therawness.com/the-problem-with-democrats-the-progressive-liberal-moral-continuum/), and that itself is a huge problem. Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat who went into World War I. Franklin D. Roosevelt was a Democrat who drove the US to fight in World War II, and was responsible for the internment of the Japanese. While apologies were necessary for that, what I am pointing out here is how the Democratic party has changed vastly for the worse with the liberal mindset in the party. Roosevelt did what he had to do, and didn't put up with any crap with taking charge and utilizing American industry and man power.

With all of their appeasement, persecution of our own, and blame America first, I wonder if they even realize that those Islamic radical terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 hate them. They do not see Americans along the basis of color or political affiliation. They'd just assume since you are an American, you are an infidel and an enemy. I think that notion, and the acts of liberal attempts at the revisionist sugar coating of history, is what makes liberalism a dangerous and divisive thing in our country. 9/11 National Day of Service? Whatever.