
Socialist indoctrination in schools

I think the video speaks for itself, and the refutation of the video is excellent. What really concerns me things like this video is a "sleeper hit in classrooms across the nation." While this information should definitely be out there, I do hope that schools bother to show any sort of contrast. I have to give the guy HowTheWorldWorks who refuted points in "The Story of Stuff," he did a magnificent job. I am glad he made his refutation available for us all to see.

Based on this..."More than 7,000 schools, churches and others have ordered a DVD version, and hundreds of teachers have written Ms. Leonard to say they have assigned students to view it on the Web. It has also won support from independent groups that advise teachers on curriculum choices. Facing the Future, a curriculum developer for schools in all 50 states, is drafting lesson plans based on the video. And Ms. Leonard has a contract with Simon & Schuster to write a book based on the video"...I need to ask, are educators being responsible enough to show both sides of the story?

I take a wikipedia quote on Annie Leonard to summarize "The Story of Stuff"...Despite praise, the validity of the film has been debunked in the footnotes for the film itself.

Below is a NY times fluff story about this video, and where my quotes came from.
A Cautionary Video About America’s ‘Stuff’

I commend Annie Leonard in her efforts to make Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin proud of her!